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The guys with the white lenses.

Things 07/09 2014

What I learned in week 36

Canon is better than Nikon - I have good reasons to love Sigma - External batteries for the speedlite rules!
Article 06/06 2007

How to drown a Canon PowerShot

It is not easy! They are tough cameras these PowerShots. I have tried with freshwater, saltwater and even coffee.
Article 11/07 2006

Canon Powershot A80

My specimen of this little gem is closing in on 10,000 pictures, and has been a very useful and versatile tool
Article 01/07 2006

The day Minolta died

Why Minolta selling to Sony was the last nail in the coffin for my Minolta era
Article 28/06 2006

Why Minolta?

Why does one select (and stick with) certain camera brand? In my case it was coincidence and growing-fond-of